Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Baby and Her Turtle

I don't know why I don't blog about my baby every day. I am amazed by her every day.

My baby is 13 months old. She is walking everywhere now. Well, almost. When she is in a hurry, she drops on all fours and does her super-stealth crawl.

She talks a lot. Much of her communication is in her most adorable own language that amuses everyone who hears it. She also says many actual words which is also entertaining to everyone. I especially love it when she says "turtle."She has this ragged little stuffed turtle that one of her big brothers bought for her at a rummage sale. She has slept with it every night since she was 6 months old. She will not go to bed without it. At bedtime you will often see the whole family roaming the house calling, "Turtle... Turtle... Where are you?" with our baby leading the call.

She thinks going bye-bye is fantastic and is just as enthusiastic to return home. She is addicted to Dora The Explorer and Little People videos. She goes nuts for playing in the water, in any capacity.... the tub, the sink, a pool... whatever. Water is the bomb!

She sings with the music at church, she sings with the family, with the CD player... she's a singer. It's in her own words, and it's gentle and soft and precious. It would make your heart melt. It does mine.

I'm certain this is the most amazing baby ever. It's true.

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