Thursday, November 12, 2009

Buy That Baby Some Shoes

I’ve wanted to start a blog for months now. The recent moments in my life that have spurred me on to finally do it are; reading my little sister’s clever blog, the need for a creative outlet, and the unsolicited parenting feedback from strangers at large.

Perhaps my future entries will be more important, perhaps not, but today I am thinking about how my baby is too hot, and too cold, she’s tired, I need to buy her some shoes, and where the heck is her hat?

These are all things I apparently wasn’t too concerned about, but loose-tongued strangers were all too willing to be concerned for me. Now that I think about it, I don’t think any of these people were moms. And if they were, it was a long time ago. Maybe they wish they had a baby to take care of and so they fill their need by caring for strange babies. Maybe they never had kids of their own and they resent all the unworthy, clueless parents in the world. Maybe it’s innate? Does everyone have the urge to do this?

I really can’t figure out what the origins of the unsolicited, impulsive comments spewing at me are. If someone else knows, please enlighten me. In the mean time, expect to hear me saying things like; “She has lots of shoes. I chose to NOT put them on.” “Actually, she recently awoke from the most magnificent nap ever, filled with dreams of fairies and princesses, I suppose.” “Hat?! Look at the insane amount of hair my baby has!” Or, when I’m too tired, I’ll just smile and say, “Oh. Thank you.” and imagine myself crossing and rolling my eyes.

And on a good day, I’ll remember that they all mean well, and it’s a good thing that human beings do care about each others' well being. (Anyway, most people just tell me how beautiful she is.) Then I’ll remind myself that I am a good mom, regardless of what anyone says. "We’re doing just fine, thank you."

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