Friday, September 17, 2010

The 8 Question Query (from my baby sis)

My sister recently responded to an 8 question blog request from a friend. She extended the challenge to me, so here goes:

1. What are your top 2 cities in the world? (It's okay if you've never been there!)

I've been to both cities. Well, mostly London, which I LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My Moscow experience was the airport, a cab ride on the freeway past IKEA to McDonald's, and back to the airport. Does that count?  I want to really see Moscow though.  I am fascinated by Russia and it's history. Such an interesting, artistic culture mixed with success, oppression, pain and brilliance.

2. Are you doing what you love or doing what you have to?
 Yes and no.  I love being a mom and I love my job.  One of my biggest passions lies in worship ministry, which I am not doing.  I have to trust God's timing on that one.  I miss it.

3. Coffee or tea?
Yes!  See T is for Tea.

4. Describe the moment in your life when you felt the most loved.
This question is a little too deep for my generally light-hearted blog.  My God makes me feel the most loved, usually through rough times and intimate moments.  My mom, hubby, sister and children make me feel most loved too.  

5. Who do you think had the single biggest impact on your life so far?
The death of my sister.

6. What song lyrics say exactly what you're feeling right now?
"I hate that stupid old pick-up truck..."

7. Pro sports or college ball?
Dude.  Pro all the way.  Go Packers!

8. What book do you really, really want to see made into a movie?
Hmmm.....   Hmmmm.....  I never really get to the good books until they've already been made into a movie.  I'd love to see The Shack as movie, but it would be impossible to capture.  It would dumb it down to our visual limitations.  Not acceptable.  I guess I'll wait until Heaven...


  1. 6. Really?!?! Is there a truck in your life now?!? Or just a guy? Lol

    8. I want to see the Shack as a play. There would be no way to capture the visual elements but I think the message could come across on stage.

  2. A friend has a stupid old pickup truck and... anyway, just that line of the song captures a feeling.

    Hmmm... The Shack on stage. Very intersting.
