Friday, August 27, 2010

Z is for Ziploc

Did you know that Ziploc is in the dictionary?

Okay, I know, I'm busted. I was looking at Z words in the dictionary. I had this last letter left and I needed a boost to complete my alphabet blog. Sue me.

Still, Ziploc is in the dictionary as a trademarked product. Weird, wild stuff. I guess it makes sense. I would expect "Kleenex" to be in the dictionary. It is. The word ziplock is also in there as a real word for a sealing plastic bag.

When I went to Russia to visit and help resident missionaries, we brought ziplock (varying brands of plastic sealing bags) for the American missionaries. They aren't in the stores over there. I was told they will go as far as washing them and reusing them several times. I must admit, I don't blame them. I probably use them everyday. And, if I ever run out of them, you can be sure they are at the top of my shopping list as a must-have.

Thank you Mr. Ziploc (or whoever invented the first self-sealing plastic bag)! I love you magnificent twentieth-century, indispensable invention.

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