Yesterday my a

lmost 9-yr-old- son used his class-earned funny money, during the 3rd grade end-of-semester auction, to buy me this beautiful reminder of his love for me. He knows I drink coffee or tea every day and now when I do, I will be elated by his expression of love and appreciation. These are the moments mothers live for.
Today my baby girl made a game of picking up Cherrios from t

he kitchen floor (Which she expelled from her highchair at breakfast this morning. Yes! It's an hour later and I haven't swept them up yet.) and depositing them in the VCR. This is so much cuter than when my boys did it because now-a-days the VCR is useless anyway. (It is still sitting in the living room even though we only watch DVDs.) So, all that considered, it was really entertaining, even when she got her hand stuck in the VCR and did her pathetic, dramatic, fake cry. Adorable!
Last night, my 7-yr-old son exclaimed, "Oh, man!" and pouted with conviction when his favorite contestant, Didi Benami, was voted off of American Idol. He was trying to understand me as I explained she might still make an album.

All of my kids were asking, "What is an album?" Oh. Right. "A CD, I mean." They started nodding and I heard a chorus of 'Ohs.' (Gee, I'm old.) He wanted to know if she was going to make an album, I mean CD, for sure and how quickly he could get it. So sweet.
I live for this stuff. It is bizarre how these moments can be so satisfying and fulfilling, but there is no denying their power over me.
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